Обсуждение:Frequently asked questions
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Про то, что FAQ произносится как fuck you это шутка что-ли такая? эфэйкью
AFAQ - эфейкью, а FAQ - факью
- школота такая школота.
Ебанись! эфейкью = FAQ, факью = fuck you! малолетний дибил блять
Вы все сосете уток.
1.2) How is FAQ pronounced?FAQ is pronounced three ways:1. By pronouncing the letters individually: F - A - Q2. As a word: fack3. Obscenely: <figure it out on your own>The first two pronunciations are the most common, and are used aboutequally. Some will say F - A - Q if they are speaking with someonethat really doesn't know the Internet. Those who are lazy (me forexample) will use "fack", since it is easier to say. Often wheninitiating a conversation it is useful to say F - A - Q, and thenonce the subject has been established, "fack" should be sufficient.You will notice that in this document I use the phrase "a FAQ" ratherthan "an FAQ". This is because most of the time I say "a fack"instead of "an F-A-Q".
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